Thursday, November 20, 2008


soooooooo i finished this graphic last night
but i couldnt put it up kuz i couldnt

get on the computer

anoter halo pop out graphic
have funn more to come soon

Tuesday, November 18, 2008



learned how to make flicks pop out

halo 3 graphic

enjoi ^_^

Sunday, November 16, 2008


my friend likes this guy
from this japenese manga
named Naruto

the guy's name is Kakashi
here's a before and after



here's a few more stuff i did
  1. i learned smoke
  2. and did some graphics for some friends

enjoi ^_^


hooked this up for my friend

  1. it was a quickie
  2. i couldve done better if i spent my time on it
  3. ill make another one soon

Saturday, November 15, 2008

so this graphic took like a week to make
feel like its one of my better ones

i saw this pic on somebody's myspace

and was like ew.i can make that shit look better

here's a before and after


so ive had a blogg for like ever

i guess ill just put up my graphics on this
and talk about them and stuff
not really that type to cry out my feelings online
maybe you'll get lucky
and ill tell
you a story